F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I check Korean news

peace of mind – relax or not be stressed because of what you know, you know some things are reliable.

eg: When you have a job, it gives peace of mind.

streaming – watching videos in the browser, NOT downloaded and kept on your hard drive.

eg: Streaming is usually too slow for me.

pirate N. V. – 1. OLD MEANING (some people who sail on a boat and steal from other boats) 2. NEW MEANING (people who download things and do not pay for them)

eg: The pirates stole all the gold from the ship.

eg: He pirated (V.) a movie and was caught by German police, they made him pay 1000 Euros.

eg: Italy is really serious about pirating content.

ISP – Internet service providers

eg: The ISP doesn’t really care if you pirate content. They face pressure from production companies.



http://1337x.to/home/            (Need to download UTorrent)