F2F Class Notes (Tony)


In August I’m always working overtime

they have summer vacation

Can I pay with a card?   Can I use a card?

Debit or Credit?

Can I get this to go?

Can I get a to go box?

Debit – a card that uses your money in the bank, and it needs a PIN(password, 668523).

Credit – you borrow money from the bank to pay, then you pay the bank later.  VISA

appetizers/starters – some small dishes you eat before the meal

eg: Do you have any good appetizers for 4 people?

dessert – some sweet food you eat after dinner, like ice cream, cake, pie

eg: Would you like to order dessert?

eg: Did you save room for dessert?

eg: What kind of desserts do you have?

specials – a good price on a dish, or a special dish, cheaper price or discount

eg: What are your specials?

eg: Do you have any specials today?

a reservation – a table booked for you at restaurant

eg: Do I need to make a reservation (N.) ?

Yes, what time would you like to book a table?

I’d like to book a table at 8pm.

Yes, we have a table open at 8pm. Is that ok with you?

Yes, but I want a table near a window, if it’s possible.

eg: Do I need to reserve (V.) a table?

Server – like a waiter or waitress

eg: Do I need to tip the server?

tip – extra money given to the server or bartender, because they gave you good service. Usually 15-20% of the bill. $100 bill, is a $15 tip

eg: In America you must tip at a restaurant or bar, unless it is fast food. Like KFC, never tip at KFC.

bill/check – mai dan, jie zhang

eg: Can we get the bill?

eg: Can we get the check?

eg: Usually if we eat out, only one person pays the bill.

split – divide it into parts.

eg: We have 4 people, so can we split the bill?

treat sb. to sth. – you pay for it

eg: I will treat you to lunch.

eg: Can I treat you to dinner?

eg: Let me treat you to dinner.

eg: I will pay for lunch.

eg: Don’t worry, I got it.  (I will pay)

Continue next class:



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