F2F Class Notes (Tony)


How many classes have you done?

I’ve done about 4.

When I‘m teaching, I get dehydrated.

When I teach…  I need to drink some water,

I opened my company is in 2014.

Who made the flyers?

A printing company made the flyers.

Who handed out the flyers?

My staff handed out the flyers.

Who designed the flyers?

I designed the flyers by myself.

dehydrated (ADJ) – don’t have enough water in your system.

eg: I’m dehydrated from being outside in the heat all day.

hydrated (ADJ)- have enough water in your system.

eg: It’s important to stay  hydrated in the desert.

Oxygen – O2

eg: They will put you on oxygen if you are short of breath.

Blimp – a gas(not gasoline) filled flying vehicle.

eg: I saw some blimps in Germany.

fuel – substance used to power a machine, like  a car

Gasoline or “Gas”(not air), is used in USA.   Petrol, is the same as gasoline, used in Europe.

eg: Fuel is not too expensive in China.

eg: The price of gas is not too high in Shanghai.

work (ADJ.) – operating or running, currently not broken

eg: Does this coffee machine work?  Yes, it works.   No, it doesn’t work.

eg: I can’t believe it works.

eg: That one is broken, it doesn’t work.

work – do some tasks at your job.

eg: He works in Beijing.

eg: She works as a yoga instructor.

get it out of the way – to do something sooner than later

eg: I don’t like to put things off, I like to get them out of the way.


Has your company made a lot of ads?

My company has made,  a lot of ads.

Have you been swimming recently?

Yes, I’ve been swimming recently.

His laziness(N.) is a problem.   (One part sentence)

He is lazy(ADJ) and its a problem.   (Two part sentence. )   He is lazy.   It is a problem.