F2F Class Notes (Tony)


in the states

in Germany

straightforward – 1. direct and simple to understand 2. honest

eg: German pronunciation is pretty straightforward.

eg: The directions are very straightforward, it will be easy to follow them.

eg: That presentation was straightforward, so I can easily understand it.

pretty – fairly, quite

eg: I’m pretty hungry, but I could wait for dinner.

eg: The cigarettes were pretty expensive.

vague ADJ. – unclear, no details, not much information. opposite of specific.

eg: Some Americans have a vague and plain style. You look at them and can’t really know which style they have.

eg: This manual is very vague so I need more specific steps.

basic – very simple, not too much stuff

eg: The new iphone model is basic, the camera is not as good and it doesn’t have many features.

distinctdifferent in a way that you can see, hear, smell, feel, etc. : noticeably different

eg: That 3 star Michelin menu wasn’t more distinct than any other restaurants.

distinguish – to recognize as distinct or different

eg: I can distinguish between southern Chinese food and Northern Chinese food.


did you heard about    /  have you heard of

smaller eyes than

we were their colony