F2F Class Notes (Tony)


address the issue

portfolio – a collection of all the work an srtist has done, or all the investments someone working in finance

eg: His stock portfolio was unimpressive, not to mention he had all his eggs in one basket, even his meager nest egg.

not to mention – the original meaning doesn’t change even when we mention another thing.

eg: He couldn’t get a girlfriend because he was too nervous not to mention a little rude to women.

They discovered a massive black hole through the use of gravitational lensing, since they can’t see the object itself, they take measurements of light waves and how they have been bent or distorted by the gravity of  a larger object nearby. They measure this using x-ray spectrography

They discovered a massive black hole through the use of gravitational lensing, which shows objects that have an effect on their environment from their gravitational force.