F2F Class Notes (Tony)


For – Something (N.)   We went to Ikea for some boxes and a clock.

To – Do something    We went to Ikea to eat some meatballs.

We need boxes to put some documents in.


It costs extra money

the head of HR

I handle budget requests

budget restriction – no lunch over 50 yuan, no taxi

I caught it

if you catch the bouquet, there is a superstition that you will get married next

made me feel awkward

charisma – a quality that someone has that makes many people like them or be interested in them

eg: My boss has a lot of charisma, people like listening to him and he is persuasive. (ADJ.)

persuade V. – to convince someone to do something

eg: He could persuade an alligator/crocodile to buy leather boots.

eg: “He could persuade a dead person to come back to life. ” (April)

superstition – a belief about something with no proof

eg: It’s a superstition that if you break a mirror you will have 7 years bad luck.

end up – finally have this result at the end.

eg: I went to Ikea for a desk and ended up buying a new sofa.

eg: We ended up having two meals there.

a raise – a higher salary

eg: I got a raise that will go into effect next month.

The Daily Show: News and Politics and Comedy.

Use many idioms and slang.