F2F Class Notes (Ben)


When one project has passed one milestone, it often exists a short time that not any available work needs to be deal.

Today my mind is not very clear, today I cant create any valuable work to do. 

Perhaps I made a too high purpose to me.

Edited version

When a project passes a milestone, there is often a short time when no work needs to be dealt with.

Today my mind is not very clear. I can’t do anything valuable or take any good opportunity.

Perhaps I set too high expectations (for myself)


a non-English-speaking country

All our foreign students come from non-English-speaking countries.

a scenic spot 景点

Czech Republic 捷克共和国

Czech Republic has a lot of scenic spots.

set expectations 设期待


to criticize / to praise = 批评 / 表扬

embarrassed 尴尬

If you are too straightforward when you criticize someone, they will feel embarrassed.


When I run, I feel good. = every time

When I ran, I felt good. = in the past

When our project passed a milestone, we were very happy. = in the past