F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Speaking exercise

Dear international students a warm welcome from students union. I hope studying life in the three years can help you grow up faster and strongly. Here we will give you some suggestions in the studying life. Thinking deeply by yourself, not only learn what it said in the classbooks, but also you should to think deeply the high level meaning of that. To be more independent. You should try to control your behavior and plan your life. The last one is you should try to refine your interests or what you be proud of.

Dear international students we’d like to extend a warm welcome from the student union. I hope student life in the next three years will help you grow up faster and stronger. Here we will give you some suggestions for student life. First, value the importance of reflection, don‘t only learn from textbooks, but also think deeply about the true meaning of that. Be more independent. You should try to manage your time and plan your life. Lastly try to refine your interests or what you are proud of.


Onion – yang cong – Unn Yun

Union – Youn Yun

Campus – Kam pas