F2F Class Notes (Tony)


this – one (here)

these – 2 or more (here)

that  – one (there)

those – two or more (there)

written in stone – it will never change, the rule or law will always be the same.

eg: The policy isn’t written in stone, so there is a chance they will change it.

to get – to become

eg: I’m getting hungry, we should eat soon. (a little hungry now, more hungry later)

It’s very hot in here, but not too hot, I’m ok with it.

too much = you don’t want/need that much


have written something already

I already wrote sth.

I’ll write it later

I eat dinner at 5.  (always or usually)

I have been eating dinner at 7, because I work a lot of overtime recently.

Writing exercise

This two years. I think our life is more and more convenient.
Especially with take away services and public bikes.
Recently the weather is not good. I don’t go out for lunch. I used App to called lunch.
It’s too convenient for me.
And every morning I can ride a bike to go to work.I can’t go to subway station or bus station. Since we a public bicycle that we can save a lot of time.

These last two years. I think our life is getting more and more convenient.
Especially with delivery services and public bikes.
Recently the weather is not good. I haven’t gone out for lunch. I use an App to order lunch.
It’s very convenient for me.
And every morning I can ride a bike to work. I don’t use the subway station or bus. Since we have  public bicycles, we can save a lot of time.


I can’t do it – I cAn(t) do-it

I can do it – I kun do it

Can you do that? – Kun you dothat

You can’t do that? – You cAn’t do that?