F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Shanghainese means local people.

Shanghai has tons of migrants

Permanent residency

subjectiverelating to the way a person experiences things in his or her own mind

eg: Personal taste in clothing is very subjective.

eg: He often makes a decision very quickly so his suggestions is a little subjective.

objectivebased on facts rather than feelings or opinions

eg: We need someone outside the company to give us an objective analysis.

eg: You must be objective to evaluate your performance at work. Only if you do that you will make a lot of progress.

Ton = 1000 KG

eg: A ton of = a lot of,

eg: There are a ton of people on the subway at 5pm.

Fact – it IS true. Proven.

eg: The earth has a moon, that is a fact.

Opinion – what you think only

eg: The moon is ugly, that’s my opinion.

baked goods – often sweet things baked in an oven, similar to bread or cookies.