F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Do the right thing, and do things right.

I prefer a decisive boss

most Chinese people are Conservative

rewarding – when you feel better after helping someone else, or doing some hard work

eg: My job is hard, but it’s very rewarding.

make up your mind – to simply decide

eg: She can’t make up her mind, she is always changing our plans.

decisive – able to make decisions easily

indecisive – not able to make decisions easily

eg: She is indecisive.

wrongfully terminated – fired without any reason,

eg: He was wrongfully terminated.

put up with – to endure

eg: Some workers put up with a lot of unfair situations.

impulsive – following your impulses, or feelings that you want to do something

eg: Her impulsiveness (N) causes problems because it is often accompanied by disorganized plans.


disorganized – Dih  Sor ge Nized