F2F Class Notes (Tony)


the site manager

Yes I was under budget.

We were 50 rmb under budget, we spent a total of 100rmb.

No, I wasn’t over budget.

I didn’t go over budget, I was 50 rmb under budget.

No, I was on budget.

foreman – boss of construction workers

eg: The foreman usually works on site.

measure – to find out how much/many in an accurate way represented by numbers

eg: We can’t measure the materials used in the construction project.


How to use THE:

1. If there is only one, AND it is not a name, EXCEPT if the is in the name. eg:   The president of China. The best ping pong player in the world. The Shanghai. The great wall of China. The Grand Canyon.

2. You know which one, according to context.  Give me the phone.   Let me see the red one.   He is the guy I told you about. Let’s go to the store.

3. A   when you don’t care which one ANY one.    I need a phone.   We need to go to a hospital. Give me a drink.

Don’t use THE:

When it is already specified which one.  If a number is used, you can use THE

A drink.

The Three boys.  (not necessary)

I was talking to three boys.

I was talking to the three boys.

I was talking to those three boys.