F2F Class Notes (Tony)


everyone is on turn takes turns being on call.

It’s my turn to be on call tomorrow.

its my first main responsibility

Photo Story / Photo-Journalism(writing news)

an exotic country (very different to you)

I am off work. (not working now)

documentarya movie or television program that tells the facts about REAL people and events

eg: We do a photo documentary series called “Photo Live”

eg: We do live streaming photojournalism.

Day off – a day that you don’t work or study

eg: My days off are Saturday and Sunday. All other days I have class.

eg: I have this Monday off, because its a holiday.

Take time off – ask for a day off, or some time

eg: I take took Saturday off last weekend.

float – a car that has been decorated to drive in a Parade

eg: We made a float for my company to use in the parade.

burnt out – when you have done something so many times, that now it is old or boring to you.

eg: I’m a little burnt out on Live Music Festivals.

eg: I was very burnt out on my last job, so I found a new one.


the news writted by our journalist

I‘m have a little headache, so I took a half day.