F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write a story like a diary and try to use past (did), present (doing), and future tense (will do)

Write about what you saw in the US, using “in” and “at” to tell me where you were.
e.g. in a city
e.g. at a monument

1. Look up these three words on http://learnersdictionary.com/definition/plagiarism

Book (v)

Itinerary (N)

Time conflict

2. Write a story using these, look at the example sentences in the dictionary.


  [ There are some people who don’t use electricity / There are some people who use no electricity.  ]

[ Sometimes you don’t need to use money, use cash in whole day / sometimes you need to use no money ??? or no cash in whole day ]

[ Chinese people don’t use perfume, but everyone in America uses perfume. / Chinese people use no perfume, but everyone in America uses perfume. ]

Liberal – generous free and open minded, can accept change

eg: Some Chinese people are more liberal than Americans. Especially the Amish people in America, who use no electricity.

eg: You should apply that lotion(cream for your dry skin) liberally.

Conservative – doesn’t like change, use less (Conserve, V. )

eg: Many conservative people don’t think gay people should get married.

eg: You should apply that lotion(cream for your dry skin) conservatively.

deodorant – take away or hide the smell, usually put in your armpits.

eg: Deodorant is not necessary for some people.