F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I know her

this computer company is from Canada.

I ate took some medicine / You need to eat take some pills.

Today I didn’t go (practice/do) yoga.

I don’t look at book read at home.

hate – you really really do not like something

eg: I hate Tofu, I will never eat it.

eg: I don’t hate reading, it is just boring for me.

eg: I hate duck blood.

health care products – some things you buy to stay healthy

eg: I will maybe get a job selling health care products.

tickle (V.) – touch someone and make them laugh, maybe under the arms, or on their sides

eg: Don’t tickle me.

eg: I’m ticklish. (ADJ)

owe (V.) – you need to give someone money

eg: I owe you ten yuan.

in person – meet, but not online

eg: Have you met her in person?
Yes, I’ve met her in person

reason – yuan yin

eg: Give me a reason.


I won about 10,000

Have you met her?

yes, I’ve met her.

Just online? Or in person?

Yes, I’ve met her in person.

I‘ve known her for 3 years. We eat together sometimes.

When is it?

Often or AlwaysDon’t change your word:   Eat, Meet, Go, Have,

eg: I eat breakfast at home.

eg: I meet my teacher every day.

eg: I go to the supermarket at weekend.

eg: I have sore legs after yoga.  / I am tired after yoga.

FinishedChange the word to past Tense:   Ate, Met, Went, Had

eg: I ate breakfast in the morning.

eg: I met her yesterday.

eg: I went to Sephora to buy some makeup.

eg: I had a dog in my hometown.


Products – Prah Duks