F2F Class Notes (Sonia)

Speaking exercise

Before I telltold you about that when I meet males people men I am always nervous, but this month I will travel together with my coworkers and their friends together. *but my coworker’s friends is male. We have six people, two female four male. But i’m single and my coworkers want to introduce their friends to me.***But their friend’s are male.


set (you) up with someone: introduce someone to be your boyfriend/girlfriend

e.g I want to set up(v) my best friend with my boss

e.g my friend wants to set me up with his friends

strangers(n): moshengren

e.g I know how to talk with my friends, but i don’t know how to talk with strangers

not sure yet: you have not decided at the moment

picky(adj): tiao

e.g maybe I am just picky

e.g I am not picky with my teachers

shy(adj): haixiu

e.g when I look at men I feel shy


we talk a little–> we don’t talk that much