F2F Class Notes September 7th (Ben)

‘do’ + verb = to emphasize 强调
You do go to work sometimes.
as you wish
a divorce
2 divorces
picked =’pict’
a rate, a ratio
the divorce rate, the divorce ratio
feel / felt / (have) felt
down = sad, unhappy, upset
expect 期待
an expectation 期待
a tension 紧张局势
A sociologist studies society and how people socialize.
-logy 学
biology 生物学
geology 地理学
-logist 学家
a ecologist 生态学家
a geologist 地理学家
People usually think for a very long time before choosing to divorce.
The article tries to create a connection where there is none.
[Just because …..] [doesn’t mean] …..
主语  动词
Just because divorces happen after holidays doesn’t mean they are caused by them.
put effort into 把精力放在。。。上
a peak = a spike
the peak hour, rush hour