F2F Class Notes 7th September (Celeste)

How long do you think she will live for? = When do you think she will die?

I hope she will live for 100 years.
think = knowledge/brain
hope = emotions/heart

dimples ( dim – pulls )
eg. You have 2 dimples on your cheeks when you smile.

The most interesting thing was watching magic (majic) shows.
The most terrible thing was getting off the cruise when we arrived in Korea.

his grades / scores n. – A, B, C, D, F
When he studies at school, his teachers give him a score/grade. – When he takes a test/exam, his teachers give him a score/grade.

grade / grading / graded/ will grade
score / scoring / scored / will score v. – analyze to find the result
eg. When his teacher reviews or analyzes his test, she is grading or scoring.

analyze ( an ull lI z)

interrupting / disrupting
When somebody is interrupting, they are interruptive.
When sb is disrupting, they are disruptive.

phrase = sentence
eg. The teacher talks to the students. (not important, crucial, informational, educational)

key points / main ideas (sentence structures / grammar rules)
example of a main idea or grammar rule:

Most of the time, we change verbs for ‘he/she/it’ by adding ‘s’ to the end.

instructions / directions
eg. The teacher instructs students how to use the dictionary.
eg. The teacher often gives instructions and directions to the students.

alphabet ( AL – fuh – bet ) = ABC’s

alphabetical order = A, B, C, D…

always > most of the time > usually / often > sometimes / a few times / seldom / rarely > never