F2F Class Notes September 25th (Ben)

the devil 魔鬼

review å¤ä¹ 

re-watch = to watch again

It’s about fairy tales from the whole world

Something disturbing makes you feel uncomfortable.

Once upon a time, there was a man called John. He was a brave soldier but  when war ended, he didn;’t know where to go. One day, he had a break under a tree then the devil appeared. He asked Jon ‘ do you want to make a deal?’

John answered ‘Tell me what the deal is’. The devil said he would provide an endless amount of money and a bear skin to John that he needed to wear continuously for 7 years without cutting his hair or his nails or shaving his beard

After 7 years he could be rich and free but the devil would have him if he died before.

Bearskin became scary and very hard to recognize

Many people thought he was a bear and didn’t treat him well.

One day, he brought help to an old man and also gave him money. In order to thank him, the man invited him to his house and introduced his 3 daughters to him, offering him to marry one of them.

The 2 older sisters didn’t want to marry him but the youngest one agreed, as she felt gratitude for him.

John fell in love with her and they agreed that the girl would wait and pray for him for 3 years, while keeping half a ring Bearskin gave her.

John continued to visit the world and do good things. At last, he survived and returned to the tree where he had met the devil. The devil appeared again and although he was unhappy, he gave John money and his freedom as promised.

John became rich, groomed himself and went back to the sisters’ home. He looked handsome and all of them welcomed him and wanted to marry him. But the youngest girl said she had made an agreement with someone else, so she thought she was unavailable. But John showed her the other half of the ring.

They married.

And they lived happily every after.

The devil got two souls for the cost of one.

The morale of this story is that you can’t judge a book by its cover.