F2F Class Notes September 11th (Ben)

I want to speak about fighting against body fat.

sensitive 敏感

It’s a sensitive topic.

I have been keeping

feel / felt / felt

Changes can be felt.

What changes isn’t my weight itself but how I feel in general / as a whole.

how I feel = 我的感觉

where I am

There are too many kinds of food I like to eat.

For the same weight, fat takes 3 times more space than muscle.

curvy 有曲线的

aerobics 有氧

Aerobics class help me consume fat in all my body.

If you have fat under your arms, there is no way to consume it by itself. This is because fat works as a whole.

Keep fight with my body

I have been kept fit for 3 month , until this month its change started can be feel. It give me some encouragements. I realized that I have much more fat and less muscle. I found the biggest problem is that fat is three times as much as muscle. So that’s way I looks more fat.

In my fitness plan, I have 2 muscle classes to training my whole body muscle and one time aerobic class. Comparing that, Enough muscle will help me to consume more fat. But Chen said that because too much food I like. I just enjoy every kind of food in every season. I know keep fit is hard and long term project for me. I should use suitable way to keep!

Keeping the fight with my body

I have been keeping fit for 3 months until this month change started to be felt. It gave me some encouragements. I realized that I used to have much more fat and less muscle. I found the biggest problem is that fat takes three times more space than muscle (for the same weight). So that’s why I look a little fat.

In my fitness plan, I have 2 muscle classes to train my whole body muscle and one aerobic class. Together, they  will help me consume more fat. But Chen said that there is too much food I like. I just enjoy every kind of food in every season. I know keeping fit is a hard and long term project for me. I should use a suitable way to go on!

feel / felt / felt

I felt bad –> time is clear: this morning, yesterday, 2 days, when I was a child

I have felt bad –> time is unclear: already, never, before, so far, until now, recently