Open F2F Class Notes 11th September (Ben)

drive / drove / driven

小区 residence / compound

Social media

People walking

Brands communicating on social media is getting more and more essential to their marketing.

to respond = to give a response

according to sudden changes in circumstances

maintain their presence by offering relevant stories / information / pictures / contributions

It makes me think of an orchestra leading the conductor.

It’s an interesting metaphor.

99 Francs (film)

Another busy day

Since ever we got married, we went through a lot of busy days, and yesterday is another one.
We got up early to go to a marketplace to buy some ingredients for my parents’ dinner.

My father was going to return from his travel in the afternoon and my mother was not well recently, so we thought we should prepared the dinner for them. We spent three hours shopping and cooking, and then we sent these dishes to my parent’s home. What a wise decision to live the same resident with my parents!

We rushed to my parents in law’s home to take a car and went to the airport to pick my father. Fortunately, my parents in low’s house was close to the airport, and it took us 20 minutes to get there. When we got the airport, my father was happened to call me that he just arrived at the place for pickup. We returned the my parent in law’s home to have a dinner after we sending my father to his home.

It had been 9 pm after we finished our dinner. What’s a busy day!

Another busy day

Ever since we got married, we went through a lot of busy days and yesterday was another one.
We got up early to go to a marketplace to buy some ingredients for my parents’ dinner.

My father was going to return from his travel in the afternoon and my mother had not been (feeling) well recently, so we thought we should prepare the dinner for them. We spent three hours shopping and cooking and then we sent these dishes to my parents’ home. What a wise decision to live the same residence with my parents!

We rushed to my in-laws’ home to take a car and went to the airport to pick my father up. Fortunately, my in-laws’ house was close to the airport and it took us 20 minutes to get there. When we got to the airport, my father happened to call me and said that he had just arrived at the place for the pickup. We returned to my in-laws’ home to have a dinner after we sent my father to his home.

It was 9 pm when we finished our dinner. What a busy day (it was)!

feel / felt / felt

I felt bad –> time is clear: this morning, yesterday, 2 days, when I was a child

I have felt bad –> time is unclear: already, never, before, so far, until now, recently