F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Insomnia (n): 1- the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time.
E.g.: Holly suffered from insomnia caused by stress at work.

Severe (adj): 1- causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious.
E.g.: This is a school for children with severe learning difficulties.
E.g.: In parts of Africa there is a severe food/water shortage.
E.g.: There is expected to be a severe frost tonight.
E.g.: Severe cutbacks in public spending have been announced.

Look on the bright side (expr): 1- to find good things in a bad situation.
E.g.: Look on the bright side – no one was badly hurt.

Leftover (n): 1- A leftover part of something is the part that has not been used or eaten when the other parts have been:
E.g.: I just ate some leftover chicken from last night’s meal


Insomnia: /ɪnˈsɑːm.ni.ə/