F2F Class Notes October 13th (Ben)


didn’t work very well

电信公司 a telecom company

go online
Only one computer in the company could go online.

local network
a server

We uploaded documents on our server through our local network and downloaded them from the only computer that could go online.

set up
stand in a line

more than 10, less than 20

Between 10 and 20 people had to share the same computer.

Desktop computers can’t connect to wireless networks or mobile phones.

(So) Where was I….. oh yes,
(So) What was I saying, … oh yeah

If you use your mobile network to send large files, you will have extra costs.

My schedule is flexible. We have flexible working hours.
We can get to work within a one-hour time window.

Within what time window can you get to work?

I can get to work between 8.45 and 9.45.

clock in/out

a fingerprint reader

You have to clock in and clock out on a fingerprint reader. But it is always a few minutes later than Beijing time.

物业 property management

I ordered my father to sing a song to me.

I am hyperactive

“Wifi” comes from a pun on “hi-fi”, which stands for ‘high fidelity”

a pun is a play on words

A common pun:

Which one is heavier, a cigarette or a lighter?

-The lighter?

-No, that’s the lighter