F2F Class Notes November 3rd (Ben)

a colony 殖民地
Some islands in the Caribbean are colonies, some are independent 独立的。

180,000 = 180 thousand

18,000,000,000 = 18 billion
18,000,000 = 18 million
18,000 = 18 thousand

1,000 = thousand
1,000,000 = million
1,000,000,000 = billion

重操旧业 to take up your old trade again
I started as a teacher but took on an assistant position after I had my baby. Now, I want to take up my old trade again.

office politics
There aren’t too many office politics in a school.

bootlicking / to lick someone’s boots 拍马屁
You usually don’t need to lick too many boots when you are a teacher.

genuine 真正的
Our relationship is very genuine, we say what we think and don’t talk behind each other’s backs.

I am not a suit-and-tie kind of person.
Office politics happen in most suit-and-tie environments.

I don’t like office politics and bootlicking. I want to take up my old trade again and be a teacher. Teachers’ relationships in school are usually genuine, which is much different from most suit-and-tie environments.

better = bedder
tomato = tomado
data = dada
executive = egzecudive
foreign = forun