F2F Class Notes November 29th (Thea)


Outgoing – A person who likes to socialize and who enjoys meeting new people.

Example : She’s always talking to new people, she’s very outgoing.

Poet – A person who writes poetry

Example : He was a great poet and got a lot of his work published.


To largen my eyes – to widen my horizon

Italian people are very relaxing – Italians are very relaxed 

Germany (the country) – Germans (the people)

We still have frequent dating – We still meet up regularly/often

Every Paris girl – Every parisian girl/woman

I have more pretty than before – I’m prettier than before, I’m more beautiful than I used to be

They have got marriage – They’re already married 

Dating with other country guys – Dating guys from other countries

She works very good in Shanghai – She is very good at her job in Shanghai