F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


prestige (n)声望, respect and admiration given to someone or something, usually because of a reputation for high quality, success, or social influence:
E.g.: The company has gained international prestige.
E.g.: Many people are attracted by the prestige of working for a top company.

retroactive (adj)(决定或行为)有追溯效力的
If a decision or action is retroactive, it is intended to take effect from a date in the past.
E.g.: There are few precedents for this sort of retroactive legislation.
E.g.: the first British law to have retroactive effect

retroactively (adv)
E.g.:The courts cannot apply a new rule retroactively.

plebiscite (n)公民投票,A plebiscite is a direct vote by the people of a country or region in which they say whether they agree or disagree with a particular policy
E.g.: The referendum scheduled for November 9 would be non-binding, unlike the plebiscite in Scotland.与苏格兰公投不同,这场定于11月9日举行的公投将不具约束力。

throughout the history

during the Qing dynasty

Non bis in idem. (Redirected from Ne bis in idem) Non bis in idem, which translates literally from Latin as “not twice in the same [thing]”, is a legal doctrine to the effect that no legal action can be instituted twice for the same cause of action.


appropriation (n): 1-the act of taking something that belongs to someone else:
E.g.: The demonstrators called on the government to speed up the appropriation of land from large estate owners and hand it over to the poor.

Balkanize-(v)divide (a region or body) into smaller mutually hostile states or groups.
E.g.: “ambitious neighbors would snatch pieces of territory, Balkanizing the country”
