F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


Ministry of Commerce-商务部-商务部-
The Ministry of Commerce is the government ministry responsible for regulating and promoting commerce and trade

coverage (n):新闻报道 1-the reporting of a particular important event or subject:
E.g.: The Ministry of Commerce have sent them to help with the coverage of the event.
media/newspaper/press coverage-媒体 / 报纸 / 报刊的报道
tonight’s live coverage of the hockey game-今晚曲棍球比赛的现场直播

deal-a good, or lower than usual, price:
a good/excellent, etc. deal E.g.: I got a good deal on my new phone contract.
a deal on sth The hotel also offers deals on the hire of bicycles.


vacuum package

Black Friday(n): 1-the Friday after Thanksgiving, when shops reduce the price of goods in order to attract customers who want to start their Christmas shopping:
E.g.: The store was full of Black Friday shoppers chasing deals.