F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

pricy (adj): 1-expensive:
E.g.: It’s a bit pricey but the food is wonderful.

used to (doing) something-习惯于某事familiar with a condition or activity:
E.g.: We were used to a cold climate, so the weather didn’t bother us.
E.g.: She’s used to working hard.

millennium (n): 1- a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends:
E.g.: The corpse had lain preserved in the soil for almost two millennia.

millennial (n): 1-a person who was born in the 1980s, 1990s, or early 2000s:
E.g.: Millennials have grown up with the internet and can’t imagine a world without it.

router (n)- 路由器, an electronic device that deals with communications between two or more computer networks

statistics (n)统计学, numbers that give information about a particular situation or event:
E.g.: crime/employment/economic statistics The latest employment statistics portray California as only narrowly avoiding a recession.
E.g. :government/federal/official statistics Government statistics released yesterday showed that the economic situation is good.
statistics show/indicate/suggest sth The current statistics show prices have increased strongly this year.

productivity (n): 1-the rate at which a person, company, or country does useful work:
E.g.: A pleasant working environment increases productivity.
2-the ability to do as much work as possible in a particular period:
E.g.: Think about which times of day your productivity is highest, and do the most difficult tasks then.
doing or achieving a lot

portray (v): 1-to represent or describe someone or something in a book, movie, etc.:
E.g.: The book portrayed him as somebody who was uncaring, even bigoted.
E.g.: The writer portrays life in a working-class community at the turn of the century.

show interest (in sth) Customers are showing a lot of interest in this new design.

gloomy (adj)unhappy and without hope:
E.g.: a gloomy person/expression
E.g.: The graveyard/cemetery is a gloomy place.
2-dark in a way that is unpleasant and makes it difficult to see.
E.g.: What gloomy weather we’re having!
E.g.: We waited in a gloomy waiting room.