F2F Class Notes (Nemo)
Do some research on laser surgery and talk about it next time. Price, recovery time, etc.
take a trip
We didn’t take a trip together for about two years.
In American English, we use “make a trip” to refer to an errand (差事). -We ran out of milk, so I made a trip to the store.
We take a trip to reach a destination for the sake of the destination, usually in terms of a vacation or recreation.
vast (adj): 1-extremely big
E.g.: The NorthEast is vast
guide (n): 1-a person whose job is showing a place or a particular route to visitors:
E.g.: We hired a guide to take us up into the mountains.
E.g.: a tour guide
set off (v): 1-to start on a trip:
E.g.: What time do we set off tomorrow?
E.g.: We set off before the holidays.
it’s worth it– used to describe something that has a value equivalent to what is being asked for it either in terms of money or effort. In that use, worth is an adjective.
E.g.: You should try spending money on the trip. It is worth it.
they don’t follow the rules-他们不遵守规则
delicacy (n): 1-something especially rare or expensive that is good to eat:
E.g.: In some parts of the world, sheep’s eyes are considered a great delicacy.
steak (n): 1-a thick, flat piece of meat or fish, especially meat from a cow:牛排
E.g.: T-bone/sirloin steaks
E.g.: salmon/turkey steaks
E.g.: Shall we have steak for dinner?
cast iron pot-铸铁锅
utensil (n): 1-a tool with a particular use, especially in a kitchen or house:
E.g.: In the drawer was a selection of kitchen utensils – spoons, spatulas, knives, and whisks.
anemia (n):贫血 1-a medical condition in which there are not enough red blood cells in the blood:
E.g.: The main symptoms of ana(e)mia are tiredness and pallor.
anemic (adj): 1-贫血的
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