F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


国庆节-National Day

I feel sleepy
sleepy (adj): 1- tired and wanting to sleep

these days-这些天
These days I wake up early

前几天-The other day
The other day I went to bed at 6pm.

Midnight is twelve o’clock in the middle of the night.

good-looking-好看/ bad-looking
good-looking (adj): 1-A good-looking man or woman is physically attractive:
E.g.: He’s very good-looking but not very smart.

improve (v)改善
E.g.: I need to improve my life
E.g.: I need to improve my yoga so my salary will increase-我需要改进我的瑜伽,这样我的薪水就会增加。

increase (n/v)-增加
decrease (n/v)-减少