F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


express (v): 1-When you express an idea or feeling, or express yourself, you show what you think or feel.
E.g.: He expresses himself easily in English.

(self) confidence (n): 1-confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities. 2-confidence in one’s own powers, judgment, etc
E.g.: Prince’s self confidence is growing steadily.

improve (v): 1- to enhance in value or quality : make better. 2-to achieve a better standard or quality in comparison (with)
E.g.: The weather is beginning to improve.

romantic (adj): 1- relating to, or involving love between two people. 2- making someone think of love.
E.g.: Her latest movie is a romantic comedy. (a comedy about two people who fall in love with each other)

coworker (n): 1-Your coworkers are the people you work with, especially people on the same job or project as you.

Speaking exercise

Today my company held product briefing, and I thought that I am a designer, but today my leader made me take photos of the event. Today I wore high heels and long skirt, so it wasn’t so convenient for me to move around and take photos, and camera was also very heavy.  still, I was able to finish my work in a good way, and my leader praised me to my coworkers 

For me it’s easy to understand their English

I am 18 forever-I’m gonna stay 18 forever.

I was so afraid that I started crying, and I was  the only one to cry, so ever since then,I don’t watch scary movie with them.