F2F Class Notes (Ben)


a slot = a narrow opening where you can put something

My computer has an SD-card slot.

A piggy bank has a slot on its back where you can put money.

Judy called me and told me there was a free time slot to have class.

modest, humble = not talking too much about your possessions or abilities

He is pretty humble; even though he is pretty rich, he still behaves like a common person.

Modest and humble are also euphemisms for ‘poor’.

I come from a very modest background. Chairman Mao came from a very humble family.

鸡窝里飞出金凤凰 He is like a phoenix flying out of the hen-house.

He is a person of humble origin who made it to success.

鲤鱼跳龙门 to make a significant advance in your career, to make a big step forward

a new chapter = a new moment in your life

My sister finally made it to Beijing University. Coming from a pretty modest background, she is clearly making a big step forward. It’s a new chapter for her.

In Ancient China, passing the (imperial) examination system was the beginning of a new chapter.

emperor (noun), imperial (adjective)

The Emperor lives in the Imperial Palace. It’s the most important place of the whole empire.

The King lives in the Royal Palace. It’s the most important place of the whole kingdom.

A is to B what C is to D

A king is to an emperor what a regional manager is to a CEO.

“Daughter” is to “Mother” what “Son” is to “_______”

  • father
  • grandfather
  • neighbor
  • daughter

“Cup” is to “drinking” what “bowl” is to “_____”

  • eating
  • sleeping
  • thinking
  • working


he didn’t came –> he didn’t come

how to translate? –> How do you translate that?