F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


skiing (n)滑雪
E.g.: I’m going skiing.
E.g.: I love to ski

ice skating (n)-滑冰
E.g.: I’m going ice skating

inhumane (adj):不人道的, cruel and causing suffering to people or animals:
E.g.: Conditions for prisoners were described as inhumane.


solitude (n)-孤独, the situation of being alone without other people:
E.g.: a life of solitude
E.g.: After months of solitude at sea it felt strange to be in company.

a platonic relationship 柏拉图关系

platonic (adj): 1-A platonic relationship or emotion is loving but not sexual:
E.g.: She knew he was attracted to her, but preferred to keep their relationship platonic.


he fell in love with her

