F2F Class Notes (Nemo)




power consuming

reputation (n): 1-the opinion that people have of someone or something, based on past behavior or character:
E.g.: The bank’s professional reputation was badly damaged by the affair.
-have a good/bad reputation E.g.: He had a very good reputation in the industry.
-have a reputation as sth E.g. : She has a reputation as a tough negotiator.
-have a reputation for (doing) sth E.g.:  The company has a reputation for excellent customer care.
earn/gain/build/develop a reputation
enhance/damage sb’s reputation

reserved (adj): 1- Reserved people do not often talk about or show their feelings or thoughts:
E.g.: a quiet, reserved woman
E.g.: The English have a reputation for being reserved.

disturbing (adj): 1-making you feel worried or upset:
E.g.: I heard something very disturbing at work this morning.