F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


加班-overtime-work overtime
E.g.: They’re doing/working overtime to get the job done on time.

product (n)-产品, something that is made to be sold
E.g.: We need new a product to sell.

客户 (n)-customer, a person or an organization that buys a product or service:
E.g.: Our new ordering system means we can serve customers more efficiently.
E.g.: Airbnb is our customer/client

represent (v): 代表, to speak, act, or be present officially for another person or people:
E.g.: Leah will represent her company on the coming meeting

apartment (n)-房子, a set of rooms for living in, especially on one floor of a building:
E.g.: I’ll give you the keys to my apartment.
E.g.: They have six luxury apartments for sale.

iconic (adj): 图标的,relating to or characteristic of a famous person or thing that represents something of importance: very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time




apartment- /əˈpɑːrt.mənt/