F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

Ancient Wonders of Rome: Colosseum


E.g.: What is your surname? My surname is Gong.

I need your signature!
signature (n):签名1-your name written by yourself, always in the same way, often used on documents to show that you have read something or that you agree to something:
E.g.: I need your signature on this document

siege (n):围攻1- the placing of an army around a fortified place or city to force it to surrender
E.g.: The castle was under siege for months.
E.g.: siege tower

weapon (n):武器, an object such as a knife, gun, bomb, etc. that is used for fighting or attacking an object used in fighting or war, such as a gun or a bomb, or something used against someone:
E.g.: The walls were decorated with swords, axes, and other medieval weapons.

bull (n): 1-公牛, male cow 🙂
E.g.:A bull is a male animal of the cow family.
Bull fights

gladiator (n): 1-角斗士, (in ancient Rome) a man trained to fight other men or animals in order to entertain the public
E.g.: People in Roman times went to the Amphitheater to see plays and gladiator fights.