F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


urban (adj): of or in a city or town:
E.g.: urban development
E.g.: Over 82% of Texans live in urban areas.

synchronize (v): 1-使同步, to (cause to) happen at the same time:
E.g.: The show was designed so that the lights synchronized with the music.

synchronization (n)

hidden cost: 1- cost that most people do not know about:隐性成本
E.g.: hidden costs/taxes

deduct (v): 1-to take away an amount or part from a total:扣除
E.g.: The company deducted this payment from his compensation

accurate (adj)精确的, correct, exact, and without any mistakes:  inaccurate
E.g.: an accurate machine
E.g.: an accurate description

crunch (v)crunch (the) numbers-to deal with data by performing a large number of calculations:
E.g.: We hired a major accounting firm to crunch the numbers.
E.g.: We believe we have made a profit, but we haven’t crunched the numbers yet.


different with what they have introduced us-different FROM what they showed us