F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


he’s not ready to be a father

they rely on their children to support them in their old age

pension (n): 1-an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a private company to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or have become ill:
E.g.: (us) a government pension
E.g.: (uk) a state pension.
E.g.: He won’t be able to draw (= receive) his pension until he’s 65.

Immature (adj): 1-not behaving in a way that is as calm and wise as people expect from someone of your age:
E.g.: Stop being so silly and immature, Chris!
E.g.: She’s rather immature for her age, don’t you think?

high spirit (n): 1-If someone is in high spirits, they are extremely happy and having a good time:
E.g.: They’d had a couple of drinks and were in high spirits.

high-spirited (adj): 1-A high-spirited person is energetic and happy and likes doing exciting and enjoyable things.