F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


cherry (n):车厘子
E.g.: I had a cherry flavored drink.
E.g.: She placed a bowl of cherries on the table.

E.g.: tomato salad/soup
E.g.: pasta with a tomato sauce

cherry tomato-小番茄

fresh (adj)-新鲜的 recently made, done, arrived, etc., and especially not yet changed by time:
E.g.: There was a fresh fall of snow during the night.
E.g.: There’s nothing better than fresh bread, straight from the oven.

wind (n)-风
E.g.: There was a light wind blowing.

windy (adj)-有风的
E.g.: It was a windy night.
E.g.: It was wet and windy for most of the week.



green bean-四季豆

spare ribs-排骨