F2F Class Notes (Nemo)

Bottle (n): 1-瓶子
E.g.: a milk bottle
E.g.: a wine bottle

Jug (n):    大罐
E.g.: She filled the jug up with cream.
E.g.: a glass/plastic jug
E.g.: a milk/water jug

Thirsty (adj): 口渴的
E.g.: Are you thirsty, would you like some water?

how tall are you?-你有多高?
how high can you jump?-你能跳多高?
how high can you throw a stone?

stone (n): 石头
E.g.: A stone hit the window and broke the glass.

smelly (adj)-有臭味的
E.g.: My socks are not smelly

socks (n): 1-袜子
E.g.: I put on a new pair of socks.
E.g.: Put on your shoes and socks.

blood (n): 血
E.g.: The blood is red