F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


tame (v): to make a wild animal tame
2-to control something dangerous or powerful:
E.g.: He’ll need to tame his temper if he wants to succeed.

tamer (n): someone who tames something that is wild, especially an animal:
E.g.: a lion-tamer

savory (adj): 1-Savory food is salty or spicy and not sweet in taste:
E.g.: a savory dish/sauce/flavour
E.g.: savory dumplings/pancakes
E.g.: A pie can be sweet or savory.

ophthalmologist (n)-眼科, a doctor who treats eye diseases

pedicure (n): 1-a beauty treatment for the feet that involves cutting and sometimes painting the nails, and massaging (= rubbing) the skin or making it feel softer

manicure (n): 1-a treatment for the hands that involves making the skin feel softer and making the nails look better by cutting, smoothing, and painting them