F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


step (n): 1- a particular movement that you make with your feet when you dance:
E.g.: She’s teaching me some basic dance steps.

modern (adj): 1-现代的. 2-of the present or recent times, especially the period of history since around 1500:
E.g.: What do you think is the role of religion in the modern world?

chemistry (n): 1-化学. 2-the scientific study of the basic characteristics of substances and the ways in which they react or combine:
E.g.: She studied chemistry and physics at college.
E.g.: a chemistry department/laboratory

make up a story-to create a story that is not true
E.g.: You can’t believe anything he says. He is always making up stories.
E.g.: When I was late, I made up a story about my bus being late. It wasn’t true, but my teacher didn’t know.


virtual (adj): 1- Something that is virtual can be done or seen using a computer and therefore without going anywhere or talking to anyone:
E.g.: virtual shopping

vast (adj): 1- extremely big:
E.g.: A vast audience watched the broadcast.
E.g.: The amount of detail the book contains is vast.

role-play (v): 1-to pretend to be someone else, especially as part of learning a new skill:
E.g.: Children play with dolls and role-play to learn about empathy and caring.

