F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


Electrocute (v):1-to kill someone by causing electricity to flow through their body:
E.g.: He was electrocuted when he touched the bare wires.

pickle (n): 1- vegetables or fruit that have been preserved in a vinegar sauce or salty water:
E.g.: cheese and pickle sandwiches
E.g.: Have some pickles with your sandwich.
2-a cucumber that has been preserved in vinegar or salty water, or slices of this:
E.g.: a sweet/sour pickle

pickle (v): 1-to preserve vegetables or fruit in a vinegar sauce or salty water:
E.g.: The onions had been pickled in brine.

brine (n): 1-water with salt in it, especially when used to preserve food:
E.g.: tuna/olives in brine

nutritious (adj): 1- containing many of the substances needed for life and growth:
E.g.: a nutritious diet
E.g.: Raw spinach is especially nutritious.

anesthetic (n): 1-a substance that makes you unable to feel pain:
E.g.: The operation is performed under anesthetic.
E.g.: The procedure is carried out under local anesthetic (= a substance that makes you unable to feel pain in part of your body).


