F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


record a video– to make a video

upset (adj): 1- If you have an upset stomach you feel slightly ill, especially because of something you have eaten or drunk:
E.g.: I have an upset stomach/tummy
Petri dish (n): 1-a small, clear, round dish with a cover, used in scientific tests especially for growing bacteria. 2- 培养皿

microscope (n): 1-a device that uses lenses to make very small objects look larger, so that they can be scientifically examined and studied: 2-显微镜
E.g.: They looked at the blood samples under the microscope.

lens (n): 1-a curved piece of glass, plastic, or other transparent material, used in cameras, glasses, and scientific equipment, that makes objects seem closer, larger, smaller, etc.:
E.g.: a camera with a zoom lens

mechanically (adv): 1-using or relating to machines:
E.g.: Most crops are harvested mechanically.
E.g.: I’m not very mechanically minded (= do not understand how machines work).

mechanically (adv) (WITHOUT THOUGHT):without thinking about what you are doing, especially because you do something often:
E.g.: “Thank you,” replied the ticket collector mechanically as he took each ticket.