F2F Class Notes (Mike)


Should celebrities who have committed crimes (using drugs, prostitution etc.) to allowed to come back? 


trait (n) 特征,特质,品质
The new girl in our company has some really good traits.

obstinate (adj.) very stubborn

thought-provoking (adj.) inspires new ideas
I watched a thought-provoking Ted talk last night.

academic (n) 学术界人士 people in academia

scholar (n)  学者

authority (n) 权威人士,权威部门

expert (n) 专家



Speaking exercise

in the sight
at first sight/Love at first sight

this is the culture for this country
This is this country’s culture

  1. Set Clear Expectations
  2. Have Firm Boundaries
  3. Commit To Professionalism
  4. Document Everything
  5. Own Up To Your Mistakes
  6. Don’t Take The Blame When It’s Not Warranted
  7. Escalate The Situation When Necessary
  8. If A Client Becomes Too Difficult To Deal With? Just Walk Away