2 x F2F Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

溜街-The Circus of McKinnon

这是一个åªåœ¨ä¸Šæµ·ç‹¬æœ‰çš„互动。它最独特的地方是开放å¼çš„,ä¸åŒäºŽå…¶ä»–snmçš„1on1互动。所有的观众将全程看到我被spå’Œtaxi 穿越整个建筑从4楼到达曼德雷酒å§ã€‚
The interaction is only available to Shanghai audience. The uniqueness of this show lies in its openness to all the audience. Being guided by SP and Taxi, I wander around from the 4th floor to Manderly Bar.


I didn’t include the traces of our movement in the sketch, but I still presented this moment of joy and surprise using my imagination. Different from the gloomy vibe of the hotel, this interaction has the opposite feeling of joy and merry, thus the name The Circus of McKinnon.


What amazed me the most after I shared this work on INS was the response from the “Ghosts”, who said that this work captured the essence of that playful moment. To me, this work not only created an unforgettable memory for those who experienced it, but also arouse the interest of those who haven’t participated in the show yet. I hope this feeling can be experienced by more “Ghosts”!

Blood will have Blood


The King card is symbolic of this show.

所有的罪æ¶æºäºŽè¿™å¼ ç‰Œï¼Œæ‰€æœ‰çš„故事也结æŸäºŽè¿™å¼ ç‰Œæ‰€ç”»çš„内容。纯粹基于我观æˆæ—¶çš„æ„Ÿå—和观看完的ç†è§£è€Œåˆ›ä½œçš„。

This card is the root to all the sins, and it will also be where everything ends. My feelings and understandings of the show inspired me to create this drawing.

这幅画没有å†çŽ°å‰§ä¸­çš„故事场景, 而是将K牌作为创作的载体,麦克白和麦克白夫人,颠倒交织于牌é¢çš„两端,暗示ç€ä»–们一个是欲望的主宰者,一个是这场悲剧推动者。那到底是è°æƒ³æˆä¸ºè¿™ä¸ªæ•…事里的king(王牌)?相信答案就在å·è¿›è¿™ä¸ªæ•…事的æ¯ä¸ªäººçš„心中。

Using the King card as a symbol for this story, I presented Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in the form of mirror images on this card, indicating one being overly ambitious and the other one as a tragic figure. Who will have the final trump card? Be a Ghost and come find the answer!

The final part of this dance show is called RAVE., which demonstrates the importance of dancing in this show. The beast-like rancor, madness and rage in his eyes are what inspired me to create this work. The layers of meaning are reflected not only in the painting skills but also in the overall layout. The blood dripping on his body resembles a puppet being manipulated by destiny and his own wife.

After I shared this on facebook, fans gave me some positive feedback and this just made me proud of my work. I am more than glad to use my talent to bring enjoyment to a broader audience.