F2F Class Notes (Mason)
Read this article and write your opinion on it. Try to use some vocab from below.
Assassinate – to kill someone is important or famous.
eg. JFK was assassinated by a sniper.
Whistleblower – someone who makes private documents or secrets public
Extradite – to send someone to their country for prosecution
Notorious – famous for bad reasons
eg. That politician is notorious for taking bribes.
Fabricate – to make something up
eg. The politician accused the woman of fabricating the story of sexual harrassment
Acquit – to be found not guilty in court
eg. The politician was acquitted of all charges.
Xenophobia – hatred or fear of foreigners
eg. Countries in Europe are becoming more xenophobic.
Common happen thing – Commonly occurring thing
Im care about this – I care about this.
Speaking exercise
The ask to some department to not let him go out of the country
No politician is clean 100% – No politician is 100% clean
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