F2F Class Notes March 8th (Ben)


cosmetics 化妆品

envy 羡慕

active 积极 =/= passive 消极

Life is a question of choices.

How come = Why

I can remember every thing that happens to me.


If someTHING is annoyING, then you are annoyed.

The class is boring, I am bored

The class is interesting. I am interested.

The class is entertaining. I am  entertained.

a 从句 : that, who, when, where, which, how + 动词

活泼的人 = active people = people who are active

我认识他的那天 = the day (when) I first met you

我从来没见过的人 = people (whom) I have never seen = people I don’t know = new people

I like to meet people I have never seen = I like to meet new people.

I don’t have time to meet new people.

/!\ Useful tip

In you don’t know whether to use “little, a little, few, a few, many, much”… then just say some or a lot of

I don’t have a lot of friends, but I have some. But I have a lot of work and not a lot of time to see them.

Nobody should have too many friends, but they should have some good friends.