F2F Class Notes 8th March (Celeste)[W]***

Next Class: Continue editing the writing below.

Writing exercise

I decide to go back my hometown for Qingming Festival. – I decide to go back to my hometown for Qingming Festival. / I decide to go back home for Qingming Festival.
You must decide for yourself. – PERFECT!

Dedicate ( dead – i – KAy t )
The teacher dedicated ( dead – i – KAY – tid ) her life to helping the student. – PERFECT!

Mothers dedicate their life to their children.

The man dedicated 20 years of his life to his company.

I know many doctors are dedicated their life to helping Africa people. – I know many doctors dedicate their life to helping Africans/people in Africa.

dedicated – adj

Suzy is dedicated to Michel.

Celeste is dedicated to her husband.

Suzy dedicated her life to yoga.

I dedicated my yoga mat for a new student.I gave my yoga mat to a new student.

The river has floods the house. – The river flooded the house.
I forgot to turn off the faucet yesterday and flooded the kitchen.

We landed at the Osaka airport. – PERFECT! ( We landed in Osaka./We landed at the airport.)
The Plane will land at 9:05 pm. PERFECT!

The copy and paste is a couple of antonym. – Copy and Paste are antonyms.
Can you paste this paper to the wall?


When I got up too late for my yoga class I marched out of the door.
Our plan will march 10 miles for everyday.

I want to produce a photo album.
How did he produce a meal so quickly.

One of the eggs rolled off the table.
I tried to roll the Spring roll.


lose my mind = go crazy

eg. I lose my mind when Michel forgets our anniversary.

Sometimes, I can’t focus on the class.  (native way: My brain is somewhere else today. / My brain is on vacation in _____.)


exist ( eggz – zist )

fenced ( fen – st )