F2F Class Notes March 8th (Ben)


mandatory = not optional, that you have to do even if you don’t want

Having a license is mandatory to drive a car.

troll someone = tease someone, pull their leg,

~provoke (neutral or negative)

  • Hey there is an emergency meeting tonight at 7 pm, and it’s mandatory.
  • Damn, no ! I wanted to go home early!
  • Relax, I’m just teasing you, I’m just pulling your leg. You can go home.

Some young people like to play jokes and pretend to key other peoples’ cars. They claim it’s just trolling and they are doing it for fun, but actually they just want to provoke and intimidate people to show that they are tough guys.

When a woman shouts on you, very often she just wants to provoke a reaction.

validate ~ (理性的)= approve (感性的)

a cockroach(es) 蟑螂

a caterpillar  毛毛虫

Caterpillar is also the name of a brand of excavators 挖掘机